Risk of death from COVID-19 lessens, but infection still can cause issues 3 years later

New findings on long COVID by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care system reveal that COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized within the first 30 days after infection face a 29% higher risk of death in the third year post-infection compared with people who have not had the virus.

National Researcher of the Year 2022 Decodes Drug Resistance in Animals – A Step towards Sustainable Solutions

Chula Veterinary Lecturer and “National Outstanding Researcher 2022” has revealed the genetic code that causes drug resistance in animals that affects human health, animals, and the environment, and suggests comprehensive solutions under the concept “One Health”.

UCI researchers examine larval ecology of invasive mosquitoes, known tropical disease vectors in Orange County

In the past several decades, rapid urbanization has created new habitats and may alter the conditions of habitats for mosquitoes that can pass potentially fatal diseases to humans. In urban areas around the world, researchers are finding more mosquito larval…

Southwest National Primate Research Center at Texas Biomed receives $37 million NIH grant

The Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC) at Texas Biomed has been awarded more than $37 million from the National Institutes of Health to continue operations into 2026. The P51 grant, given by the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, provides essential funding to house and care for nearly 2,500 non-human primates that are part of life-science research programs at Texas Biomed and partners around the globe.