A grant from the National Institutes of Health will support ongoing research at Wayne State University investigating the consequences environmental factors may have on fertility in males.
Tag: Detroit
$4M SAMHSA grant to support unmet health needs of Detroit’s children
A $4 million grant to the Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute (MPSI) at Wayne State University aims to prevent serious emotional and behavioral problems in Detroit’s young children while promoting healthy development and reducing health disparities.
Does Your Community Have a Personality Type?
U.S. counties and regions differ in political ideology. But do they differ in personality as well? Further, are people who ‘fit’ their communities healthier, happier, or more highly achieving than those who do not? A new study shows communities are diverse in terms of personality as well as demographics, and having like-minded people in one’s community is associated with positive outcomes.
MSU drives future of mobility today at Detroit Auto Show
Michigan State University displayed some of its latest innovative research and introduced attendees to the mobility experts of tomorrow at the 2023 North American International Detroit Auto Show.
$11.3 million NIH Superfund award to address environmental health issues caused by VOCs
Wayne State University has received a five-year, approximately $11.3 million award from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of the National Institutes of Health to create a new Superfund Research Program, the “Center for Leadership in Environmental Awareness and Research (CLEAR).” The Center will be dedicated to understanding and mitigating adverse birth outcomes and serious developmental health problems that have been associated with urban environmental exposure to volatile organic chemcials (VOCs), a special class of pollutant found in the subsurface of post-industrial cities like Detroit.
Wayne State receives $2.6 million research award from American Heart Association
Black adults have a higher incidence of hypertension (HTN) and a greater risk of HTN-related cardiovascular disease compared to white adults. Even mild elevations in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease; therefore, early interventions for high blood pressure and hypertension are critical to assist in recommendations for lifestyle modification.
COVID-19 Shutdowns Reveal Racial Disparities in Exposure to Air Pollution
A new GW study of COVID-19 shutdowns in the United States reveals pronounced disparities in air pollution — with disenfranchised, minority neighborhoods still experiencing more exposure to a harmful air pollutant compared to wealthier, white communities.
Wayne State University and Henry Ford Health System announce new initiative in cardiometabolic health and disease
Wayne State University and Henry Ford Health System announced today the launch of a basic and translational research initiative in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease as a thematic focus for program growth.
World-Renowned Interventional Cardiologist Establishes Structural Heart Disease Research Fund in Honor of Late Wife
William O’Neill, M.D., director of the Center for Structural Heart Disease at Henry Ford Health System, has donated $1 million to establish the Carol S. O’Neill Structural Heart Disease Research Fund at Henry Ford Health System in honor of his late wife, Carol, who passed away in 2019.
Henry Ford Health System is First in the U.S. to Perform Procedure Using CG-100 Device for Colorectal Cancer Patients
Henry Ford Health System is the first in the country to perform a procedure using the CG-100 intraluminal device, which is temporarily inserted into the gastrointestinal tract and designed to reduce diverting stoma rates, and the need for an ostomy bag, in patients undergoing gastrointestinal resection procedures due to colorectal cancer treatment.
Henry Ford Cancer Institute and United Outstanding Physicians Partner to Enhance Care, Experience for Cancer Patients
Henry Ford Cancer Institute and United Outstanding Physicians (UOP), a physician organization comprising nearly 1,000 independent private practice physicians across Southeast Michigan, have come together to enhance cancer care and make navigating the cancer journey easier for their patients.
Henry Ford Health System Kicks Off David DiChiera Music Therapy Program with Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Michigan Opera Theatre
Henry Ford Health System, in partnership with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) and Michigan Opera Theatre (MOT), has begun offering virtual musical performances to cancer patients via its music therapy program named for the founding general director of Michigan Opera Theatre, David DiChiera. Through the David DiChiera Music Therapy Program, patients of Henry Ford Cancer Institute will be able to enjoy both live and archived virtual performances from the DSO and MOT at no cost.
Partnership Brings More Than 20,000 Onsite COVID-19 Tests to Senior Facilities, Other Vulnerable Populations in Detroit
A partnership among Altimetrik, a Southfield-based fast-growing global business transformation company, the 501(c)(3) Vattikuti Foundation, Henry Ford Health System and the City of Detroit has provided more than 20,000 onsite COVID-19 tests to residents in 163 of Detroit’s senior and congregate living facilities, as well as the city’s first responders and essential workers.
The Eye, The Brain & The Auto: Call for Research Abstracts from Healthcare and Automotive Experts
The Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology, the research arm of the Henry Ford Health System Department of Ophthalmology, is accepting abstracts for The Eye, The Brain & The Auto 9th World Research Congress on Health and Modern Mobility: Autonomous Vehicles, Driver’s Fitness to Function, and Naturalistic Driving Methods to be held Dec. 7-8, 2020. This will be a virtual event.
Wayne State researchers complete analysis on testing and reopening under COVID-19
A team of Wayne State University researchers has completed an analysis that studied specific industry characteristics as alternatives to guide industry openings in a way that lowers contagion risks and maximizes economic benefits until broader testing becomes available and the efficacy and reliability of immunity testing is achieved. The scope for physical distancing and remote work will vary by industry and region. The team’s study focused on Michigan and metropolitan Detroit, a hot spot for COVID-19.