Automated embryo selection system might rise likelihood of success in treating infertility

The AI-based system photographs the embryos every five minutes, processes the data of their development and notifies any anomalies observed. This increases the likelihood of choosing the most viable and healthy early-stage embryo for IVF procedures.

How artificial intelligence is helping make food production smarter

Food production is a complex process involving the careful monitoring and management of raw materials, supply chains, market prices and much more besides. Access to smart data enables food producers to plan intelligently and to optimize their production processes allowing…

Mixed reality gets a machine learning upgrade

Researchers at Osaka University use machine learning to enhance the ability of a mixed-reality mobile viewer to digitally remove obstructions and add greenery, which may improve sustainable architecture and urban planning

Expressing some doubts about android faces

Researchers at Osaka University study the expressiveness of android faces using motion capture cameras and identify ways in which they still lack the complexity of real human reactions, which may help guide future robot design

Cambodian study assesses 3D scanning technologies for prosthetic limb design

Cutting-edge 3D scanners have been put to the test by researchers from the University of Southampton and partners Exceed Worldwide to help increase the quality and quantity of prosthetics services around the world. The study, carried out within the People…

Learning to help the adaptive immune system

Tokyo, Japan – Scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo demonstrated how the adaptive immune system uses a method similar to reinforcement learning to control the immune reaction to repeat infections. This work may lead…

Danish computer scientist has developed a superb algorithm for findin

One of the most classic algorithmic problems deals with calculating the shortest path between two points. A more complicated variant of the problem is when the route traverses a changing network–whether this be a road network or the internet. For…

WE-TRANSFORM: Artificial and collective intelligence for the impact of automation

A European Horizon 2020 project coordinated by Professor Cristina Pronello of the Politecnico di Torino, brings together 34 partners around the world to find concrete solutions to the changing demand for skills in the work

New microcomb could help discover exoplanets and detect diseases

Tiny photonic devices could be used to find new exoplanets, monitor our health, and make the internet more energy efficient. Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, now present a game changing microcomb that could bring advanced applications closer to…

I-Seed project for intelligent biodegradable soft robots mimicking plant seeds behaviour

The project will develop intelligent seeds able to monitor environmental parameters. Coordinated by IIT’s researcher Barbara Mazzolai, it involves other 5 partners in Europe. The project has been funded with grant of 4-million euros by the EU.

Researchers discover that privacy-preserving tools leave private data anything but

BROOKLYN, New York, Wednesday, March 3, 2021 – Machine-learning (ML) systems are becoming pervasive not only in technologies affecting our day-to-day lives, but also in those observing them, including face expression recognition systems. Companies that make and use such widely…

Pushing computing to the edge by rethinking microchips’ design

Responding to artificial intelligence’s exploding demands on computer networks, Princeton University researchers in recent years have radically increased the speed and slashed the energy use of specialized AI systems. Now, the researchers have moved their innovation closer to widespread use…

Detecting COVID-19 with a sticker on your skin

A University of Missouri engineer received a grant from the National Science Foundation to plan for large-scale manufacturing of an on-skin, wearable bioelectronic device.