Social Network, Social Functioning Associated with Longer Stays in Alcohol Treatment

When seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder, how a person is functioning in society strongly influences how long they will stay in inpatient treatment. According to a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, people who are dissatisfied in their primary social role—at work or school, for example—and people with a strong social network stay in treatment longer, giving them more opportunities for therapeutic intervention.

180 million Parler posts show discussion dominated by Trump, conversative topics, conspiracy theories

Article title: A Large Open Dataset from the Parler Social Network Authors: Max Aliapoulios, Emmi Bevensee, Jeremy Blackburn, Barry Bradlyn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini, Savvas Zannettou From the authors: “This paper presents a dataset of 183M Parler posts made by…

Does deplatforming work? Research explores effects of banning users from social network platforms

Article title: Understanding the Effect of Deplatforming on Social Networks Authors: Shiza Ali, Mohammad Hammas Saeed, Esraa Aldreabi, Jeremy Blackburn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Savvas Zannettou, Gianluca Stringhini From the authors: “We find that users who get banned on Twitter/Reddit exhibit an…