Tips for managing New Year’s resolutions and staying mindful in 2025

As they ring in 2025, many people will be thinking about how to reset goals and make lifestyle changes. Individuals often set challenging resolutions and then tend to lose motivation as time progresses. Instead of making a resolution, Virginia Tech behavioral psychologist Samantha Harden suggests a different approach in the new year.

Skip the New Year’s resolutions: 4 tips to develop lasting change in our lives

Rather than focus on strict and confining New Year’s resolutions, people should focus on realistic and relevant actions to actually improve their lives, according to Jennifer Wegman, health and wellness studies lecturer at Binghamton University, State University of New York.…

Resolve to talk to your doctor in the New Year

Due to COVID-19, it’s important to talk to your doctor right away if you’re experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath or cough. Take notes about your symptoms, so your doctor can pinpoint if they are early warning signs of another respiratory disease such as pulmonary fibrosis (PF).

As a year like no other draws to a close, the power of gratitude can bring healing

While acknowledging that many aspects of daily life were dramatically altered in 2020, a mental health expert with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) shares that reminiscing on the moments that brought joy in this last year can help with both mental and physical wellbeing.