Recommended diuretic causes more side effects than similar hypertension drug

Chlorthalidone, the guideline-recommended diuretic for lowering blood pressure, causes more serious side effects than hydrochlorothiazide, a similarly effective diuretic, according to a new study led by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine…

Zooming in on breast cancer reveals how mutations shape the tumour landscape

Scientists have created one of the most detailed maps of breast cancer ever achieved, revealing how genetic changes shape the physical tumour landscape, according to research funded by Cancer Research UK and published in Nature Cancer today (Monday). An international…

Organic-cation intercalation: An effective strategy for manipulating band topology and superconductivity

In the recent article published in Science Bulletin , the researchers develop an effective organic-cation intercalation strategy to manipulate the interlayer coupling of layered materials, and obtain a class of organic-inorganic hybrid crystals with tailored topological properties and enhanced superconductivities.…

Visualizing diffusive dynamics beyond tracking limit with standard optical microscope

Evaluating the spatio-temporal distribution of diffusion coefficients for high-concentration Brownian particles without fluorescent labeling nor tracking them from microscopy movie data analysis based on the statistical physics

Antioxidant in mushrooms may relieve features of ‘pregnancy hypertension’

Pregnancy hypertension, or Pre-eclampsia, is a complex disorder of pregnancy. Treatment of elevated blood pressure can manage the condition in the mother, but in severe cases delivery is needed, which can present a major problem to the baby if it…

Towards a sustainable future — Novel technology to measure energy conversion efficiency

Scientists formulate a new innovation that can measure thermal energy to understand more about the processes of energy-converting systems like leaves during photosynthesis

Pancreatic cancer ‘time machine’ exposes plot twist in cell growth and invasion

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Pancreatic cancer has one of the worst survival rates among cancers. Patients can expect as low as a 9% chance to live for at least five years after being diagnosed. Going back in time to observe…