A third-generation Anton supercomputer, developed by D. E. Shaw Research, will soon arrive at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. A $3.15-million, five-year award from the National Institutes of Health will fund the system’s operations, making it available without cost for non-commercial use by biomedical researchers at U.S. universities and other nonprofit institutions.
Tag: Simulation and Computation
How Scientists Are Accelerating Chemistry Discoveries With Automation
Researchers have developed an automated workflow that could accelerate the discovery of new pharmaceutical drugs and other useful products. The new approach could enable real-time reaction analysis and identify new chemical-reaction products much faster than current laboratory methods.
Scientists use Summit supercomputer to explore exotic stellar phenomena
Astrophysicists at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, and University of California, Berkeley, used the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s Summit supercomputer to compare models of X-ray bursts in 2D and 3D.
NASA uses ORNL supercomputers to plan smooth landing on Mars
Since 2019, a team of NASA scientists and their partners have been using NASA’s FUN3D software on supercomputers located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, or OLCF, to conduct computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, simulations of a human-scale Mars lander. The team’s ongoing research project is a first step in determining how to safely land a vehicle with humans onboard onto the surface of Mars.
Remoteness didn’t protect Amazonian Tsimané from COVID-19
Voluntary collective isolation alone was ineffective to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 into small-scale, remote Indigenous communities of the Tsimané in the Bolivian Amazon.
James Barr von Oehsen Named Director of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
James Barr von Oehsen has been selected as the director of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), a joint research center of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Von Oehsen is a leader in the fields of cyberinfrastructure, research computing, advanced networking, data science and information technology.
Stars Shed Light on Why Stellar Populations Are So Similar in Milky Way
Using highly detailed simulations, a collaborative team led by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin has made a breakthrough discovery that star formation is a self-regulatory process, knowledge that may allow researchers to understand star formation within our own and far away galaxies.
Prehistoric humans first traversed Australia by ‘superhighways’
An international team of scientists using a Sandia National Laboratories supercomputer in the largest reconstruction ever attempted of prehistoric travel has mapped the probable “superhighways” that led to the first peopling of Australia.