Not all calcite crystals are as perfect as they appear

Researchers used complementary imaging techniques to explore the impact of synthesis approaches on the nanoscopic internal structure of apparently perfect calcite particles, which has implications for contaminant sequestration and carbon storage.

A real ​“rock star” moment: New mineral named after Argonne materials scientist Kanatzidis

Mercouri Kanatzidis, an Argonne and Northwestern University materials scientist, has studied sulfur-containing materials called chalcogenides for more than 30 years. A new chalcogenide mineral has just been named for him.

Argonne scientist Shirley Meng recognized for contributions to battery science

Materials science pioneer Shirley Meng has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Battery Division Research Award by The Electrochemical Society. The recognition honors Meng’s innovative research on interfacial science, which has paved the way for improved battery technologies.

Speaking my language: Robert Winarski’s background helps him coordinate beamline installation for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade

With the year-long shutdown underway, the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade project is in the midst of building seven new beamlines, constructing the infrastructure for two more, and updating several more existing beamlines. Robert Winarski is coordinating all of this work, and his background as a scientist who has constructed beamlines is key to his success.

New physical science summer school offers opportunity for underrepresented college students

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science is piloting STEM summer schools at national labs. As part of that, DOE has awarded Argonne funding to pilot a four-week summer school for undergraduate students.

Laser shots at National Ignition Facility could spark additional discoveries in astrophysics

Using the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS), a team of scientists is studying the environment created during laser shots at the National Ignition Facility to better understand its potential as a testbed for nuclear astrophysics research.

5 Ways Argonne is driving auto innovation

Spotlighting Argonne innovations in electric vehicles during the Chicago Auto Show.

Argonne Distinguished Fellow Linda Young to receive honorary doctorate

Linda Young, an Argonne Distinguished Fellow in the Chemical Sciences and Engineering division will receive an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University in Sweden on Jan. 27.

Chicago Pile 1: A bold nuclear physics experiment with enduring impact

Enrico Fermi’s Chicago Pile 1 experiment in 1942 launched an atomic age, an unrivaled national laboratory system, fleets of submarines, cancer treatments and the unending promise of clean nuclear energy. Argonne National Laboratory builds on its legacy.

The futuristic South Pole Telescope looks far back in time

Designed to detect the oldest light in the universe, the South Pole Telescope is helping researchers at Argonne and around the world to learn about the beginnings of the universe.

Machine learning program for games inspires development of groundbreaking scientific tool

Scientists have developed a groundbreaking AI-based algorithm for modeling the properties of materials at the atomic and molecular scale. It should greatly speed up materials discovery.