Study Aims to Boost Diabetes Device Use Among Latinx Youth

Jennifer Raymond, MD, MCR, Chief of the Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, is co-leading an innovative multicenter study funded by a four-year R01 NIH grant testing a virtual peer group model—co-designed with youth and families—to increase diabetes technology use among Latinx adolescents.

JMIR Diabetes | Clinical Utility of Digital Therapeutic Intervention With Type 2 Diabetes

JMIR Publications published “Clinical Utility of a Digital Therapeutic Intervention in Indian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: 12-Week Prospective Single-Arm Intervention Study” in JMIR Diabetes, which reported that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) that have elevated levels of blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin are at higher risk of macro- and microvascular complications.

Exercise to Improve Health: Fast, Furious and Infrequent or Slow, Steady and Sustainable?

Exercise is well-known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like hypertension, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. While moderate-intensity continuous exercise (END) has traditionally been recommended to achieve these meaningful benefits, the time-effective alternative of sprint interval training (SIT)…

Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes: Does the Dose of Exercise Matter?

For people with type 2 diabetes, both aerobic exercise training (like walking or jogging) and resistance exercise training (strength training) lead to improvements in blood sugar control, and a combination of aerobic and resistance training results in larger improvements. In…