NIH Director Francis Collins and NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins to keynote joint session at ISSRDC

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER (FL), July 20, 2021 – The 2021 International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) will include a virtual keynote session that will feature two key science figures: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins…

Early intervention in schools needed to address Malta’s obesity crisis

A new study by the University of Malta and Staffordshire University highlights an urgent need for change in the curriculum and demonstrates how introducing longer, more frequent and more physically intense PE lessons can significantly improve children’s weight and overall…

Programmable structures from the printer

Researchers at the University of Freiburg and the University of Stuttgart have developed a new process for producing movable, self-adjusting materials systems with standard 3D-printers. These systems can undergo complex shape changes, contracting and expanding under the influence of moisture…

Eight new studies to investigate COVID-19 variants of concern in Canada

The research projects span from investigating the social factors that may protect Indigenous peoples — or increase their vulnerability to — COVID-19 and VOCs, to the creation of a Canadian Wastewater Surveillance Database

Passing the COVID test in just five minutes

Researchers at Osaka University develop a new highly sensitive test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that utilizes a fusion of artificial intelligence and nanopore technology which may enable rapid point-of-care testing for COVID

First Report of Dorsal Navigation in a Flying Insect

People–who get lost easily in the extraordinary darkness of a tropical forest–have much to learn from a bee that can find its way home in conditions 10 times dimmer than starlight. Researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute’s (STRI) research…

Particles with ‘eyes’ allow a closer look at rotational dynamics

Tokyo, Japan – Colloids–mixtures of particles made from one substance, dispersed in another substance–crop up in numerous areas of everyday life, including cosmetics, food and dyes, and form important systems within our bodies. Understanding the behavior of colloids therefore has…

Discovery of ray sperms’ unique swimming motion and demonstration with bio-inspired robot

It is generally agreed that sperms “swim” by beating or rotating their soft tails. However, a research team led by scientists from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has discovered that ray sperms move by rotating both the tail and…

VUMC Team Develops Potential Treatment for Life-threatening Microbial Inflammation

A cell-penetrating peptide developed by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center can prevent, in an animal model, the often-fatal septic shock that can result from bacterial and viral infections. Their findings, published this week in Scientific Reports , could lead…

Machine learning reduces microscope data processing time from months to just seconds

Ever since the world’s first ever microscope was invented in 1590 by Hans and Zacharias Janssen –a Dutch father and son– our curiosity for what goes on at the tiniest scales has led to development of increasingly powerful devices. Fast…