Will Humanity Achieve a Century of Nuclear Peace? New Study Forecasts Nuclear Risk

Since 1945 the world has lived under the threat of nuclear weapons. So far, we have thankfully managed to avoid the disaster caused by a nuclear war. Have we been lucky? As the world faces an increasingly uncertain global security environment, Open Nuclear Network (ONN), a Programme of PAX sapiens, and the Forecasting Research Institute (FRI) have produced a study, with the largest number of nuclear weapons policy experts ever asked to forecast the likelihood of and strategies for preventing nuclear catastrophes.

Bradley Wallin selected to lead Weapons and Complex Integration

Bradley Wallin has been named Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) principal associate director (PAD) for Weapons and Complex Integration (WCI), Lab Director Kimberly Budil announced today. In this role, Wallin will lead the Laboratory’s nuclear weapons program in its responsibilities to support U.S. strategic deterrence by assuring the safety, security and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile and by providing the science, technology and engineering capabilities and experts required to enable and advance this essential responsibility.

LLNL team looks at nuclear weapon effects for near-surface detonations

A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory team has taken a closer look at how nuclear weapon blasts close to the Earth’s surface create complications in their effects and apparent yields. Attempts to correlate data from events with low heights of burst revealed a need to improve the theoretical treatment of strong blast waves rebounding from hard surfaces.

Global Cooling After Nuclear War Would Harm Ocean Life

A nuclear war that cooled Earth could worsen the impact of ocean acidification on corals, clams, oysters and other marine life with shells or skeletons, according to the first study of its kind.