Older People with Alcohol Use Disorder May Underestimate Their Impairment In Visual Processing When Drinking, Raising Their Risk of Accidents

Older adults’ visual functions— eye movement reaction time, speed, and accuracy—are acutely impaired by alcohol, and those with chronic alcohol use disorder (AUD) are not immune to these impairments when imbibing. The study in Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research is the first to examine alcohol’s acute effects on eye movements, pupil size, and self-perception of impairment in middle-aged to older adults with AUD versus a control group of those with lifetime light drinking. Alcohol disrupts eye movement and pupil dilation, resulting in delayed visual reactions and reduced accuracy. Many believe that those with longer-term excessive drinking have built up tolerance and are protected against eye movement impairment. While this study showed that older drinkers with chronic AUD (vs. light drinkers) had less impairment in visually tracking an object that moves predictably, they were equally impaired in eye movements that require quick adjustments to randomly appearing objects. The perso

Research Details Perils of Not Being Attractive or Athletic in Middle School

Life is harder for adolescents who are not attractive or athletic. New research shows low attractive and low athletic youth became increasingly unpopular over the course of a school year, leading to subsequent increases in their loneliness and alcohol misuse. As their unpopularity grows, so do their problems.

Do People Who Drink Heavily Have a Higher Tolerance for Alcohol? It Depends, Study Finds

People who have a pattern of heavy drinking showed less impairment than light drinkers after drinking similar amounts of alcohol — yet this difference depends largely on how much time has elapsed after drinking and may only be evident at moderate intoxication. A study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research found that people who exceed drinking an amount of alcohol that is typical for them showed substantial impairment. And, when heavy drinkers and lighter drinkers were similarly impaired, the heavy drinkers perceived themselves to be less impaired, which may lead to risky decisions.

Teen Alcohol Use Decreasing, But More Slowly among Girls

Teen use of alcohol and alcohol in combination with cannabis is decreasing, but use by girls is decreasing more slowly than it is for boys, according to a study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. And, rates of cannabis use among teens who didn’t use alcohol, which more than doubled in the last decade, are increasing more rapidly in female students than in their male counterparts. Despite the declines in alcohol use, teen alcohol use remains high, and far more prevalent than cannabis use. The simultaneous use of cannabis and alcohol amplifies the health risks for teens, including risk of intoxication, injury, impairment and other short- and long-term consequences for adolescents. As one in five students reports simultaneously using both substances, continued public health efforts to reduce teen alcohol and cannabis use, as well as interventions specifically aimed at female students, are important.

EMS Ketamine Use on Agitated Patients on Cocaine Increases Intubation 5.75-fold

Patients with excited delirium often are administered ketamine by EMS before arriving at the hospital. Many of them are intoxicated or are using illicit substances, which may alter the properties of ketamine.

Size Matters: Higher Licensed Venue Capacity Linked to Greater Risk of Alcohol-Related Violence

Disproportionately more assaults occur in higher-capacity licensed venues than in their smaller counterparts, according to an Australian study reported in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Licensed premises are high-risk settings for violent incidents, and a sizeable proportion of all alcohol-related violence occurs within them. Factors linked to aggressive in-venue behavior include inadequate seating, inconvenient bar access, crowded spaces, and drunkenness – which are all more likely in venues with more people (and hence in higher-capacity premises). However, although venue capacity had been proposed as a risk factor for on-premises violence, most previous research has focused on the relationship between crowding and aggression, and on the impact of longer trading hours. In the current study, therefore, researchers investigated the association between venue capacity and the number of violent incidents on-premises; the impact of longer opening hours was also assessed.