New Report Examines Barriers to Oral Health Services for New Yorkers

A new report, released by the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University at Albany’s College of Integrated Health Sciences, indicates that improving access to oral health services in New York State requires a broader understanding of oral health needs and the challenges that underserved populations face.

Survey finds continued declines in HIV clinician workforce

The supply of healthcare professionals available to provide HIV care continues to decline, even as the need for HIV care and prevention is expected to increase, reports a survey study in the November/December issue of The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (JANAC). The official journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, JANAC is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Health Care Jobs Continue to Grow in New York, Yet Shortages Remain

The Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University at Albany’s School of Public Health released a new report this month that provides an update on the state of the New York’s health care workforce, including data on job growth and employment projections.

How do state laws affect hospital nurse staffing? Study compares three approaches

Across the nation, states are grappling with alternative approaches to address the heightened problem of low nurse staffing in hospitals. A new national study finds that while legislation to mandate hospital nurse-to-patient staffing ratios is associated with a significant increase in nurse staffing, two other popular approaches – mandating public reporting of nurse staffing levels and hospital staffing committees that include frontline nurses – have had little or no impact on nurse staffing levels. The study appears in a special supplement to the October issue of Medical Care focused on Health Workforce Equity. Medical Care is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Twenty-four States Have Implemented Temporary, Emergency Policies Expanding the COVID-19 Vaccinator Workforce Beyond Traditional Clinical Personnel

The vaccinator workforce is an essential component of the COVID-19 response and recovery. However, since administration of the two FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines began in December 2020, the rollout has encountered several challenges and failed to meet initial targets for total vaccinations provided. The current health workforce has been identified as one possible bottleneck for distributing the vaccine, prompting a general call to authorize as many healthcare professionals to administer the vaccine as possible. To track this fast-moving issue at the state level, researchers at the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity have created an interactive tool that displays temporary, emergency state policies authorizing specific professions to provide the COVID-19 vaccine.

209 US Counties Face a Crisis in Staffing ICUs that Care for COVID-19 Patients

Over the next month, 209 U.S. counties in the United States will need to implement crisis workforce strategies to deal with potentially dangerous shortfalls of intensive care unit doctors, according to a new analysis published today. The analysis draws on data from a just launched county-level hospital workforce estimator, one that takes into account the strain on staffing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.