Calculates potential load demand of innovative roadway charging concept
Tag: EVs
Multi-sector partnership leads to first practical pilot of vehicle-to-grid power
The University of Delaware is part of a joint effort involving energy and automotive partners that has launched the first practical pilot of “vehicle-to-grid” power (V2G) set up so that industrial participants can scale it at low cost. V2G technology was invented at UD.

Powering Up to Solve Challenges in Energy Storage
In 2006, battery research was practically non-existent at PNNL. Today, the lab is lauded for its battery research. How did PNNL go from a new player to a leader in state-of-the-art storage for EVs and the grid?

Turning up the heat
Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists found that a small tweak created big performance improvements in a type of solid-state battery, a technology considered vital to broader electric vehicle adoption.
Have no fear: Electric vehicles will get you where you need to go
“Range anxiety” has been shot down by new research led by the University of Delaware that found electric vehicles with smaller batteries, combined with community charging, can meet all driving trip needs.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Plans Transition to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions
PNNL will demonstrate how new technologies, innovative approaches and partnering with others can lead to net-zero emissions and decarbonization of operations.
Efficient Dehumidifier Makes Air Conditioning a Breeze
New energy-efficient dehumidifier technology holds promise to reduce energy consumption in residential A/C systems and increase the range of electric vehicles.
CRuSE-ing Toward Community Carsharing in Hood River, Oregon
Access to transportation will be made easier in a semi-rural Oregon town through an electric vehicle carsharing program. PNNL is lending analytics expertise that will inform programs in other rural and semi-rural areas.
PNNL Invention Reduces Risk of Battery Explosions
A deceptively simple sensor system developed at PNNL can prevent dangerous battery fires.

Influx of Electric Vehicles Accelerates Need for Grid Planning
A new PNNL report says the western U.S. bulk power system can reliably support projected growth of up to 24 million electric vehicles through 2028, but challenges will arise as EV adoption grows beyond that threshold. This study is the most comprehensive of its kind, integrating multiple variables not evaluated before, such as growth in commercial delivery fleets and long-haul trucks, as well as large-scale and long-term EV charging scenarios and strategies.