Dr. Xuan Liu receives Switzer Research Fellowship for mobility research in cerebral palsy

NIDILRR fellowship funds gait retraining research in children by Children’s Specialized Hospital-Kes

New technique isolates placental cells for non-invasive genetic testing

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Brown University researchers have developed a simple method for isolating placental cells from cervical swabs. The technique, described in the journal Scientific Reports , could aid in developing less invasive ways of diagnosing genetic disorders…

Coating developed by Stanford researchers brings lithium metal battery closer to reality

Hope has been restored for the rechargeable lithium metal battery – a potential battery powerhouse relegated for decades to the laboratory by its short life expectancy and occasional fiery demise while its rechargeable sibling, the lithium-ion battery, now rakes in…

Researchers identify properties of cells that affect how tissue structures form

Researchers have found that changing the mechanical properties of individual cells disrupts their ability to remain stable, profoundly affecting their health and the health of the tissue that comprises them. In the September issue of the journal Current Biology ,…

Mosquito incognito: Could graphene-lined clothing help prevent mosquito bites?

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — The nanomaterial graphene has received significant attention for its potential uses in everything from solar cells to tennis rackets. But a new study by Brown University researchers finds a surprising new use for the material:…

Scientists use a new method to track pollution from cooking

Cooking organic aerosol (COA) is one of the most important primary sources of pollution in urban environments. There is growing evidence that exposure to cooking oil fumes is linked to lung cancer. Currently, the most effective method to identify and…

Who you see matters: Stroke patients benefit more from observing their own hand movements during the

Japanese scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) have found that for stroke patients, observing their own hand movements in a video-assisted therapy – as opposed to someone else’s hand – could enhance brain activity and speed up…

Who you see matters: Stroke patients benefit more from observing their own hand movements during the

Japanese scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) have found that for stroke patients, observing their own hand movements in a video-assisted therapy – as opposed to someone else’s hand – could enhance brain activity and speed up…

Bioprinting complex living tissue in just a few seconds

Tissue engineers create artificial organs and tissues that can be used to develop and test new drugs, repair damaged tissue and even replace entire organs in the human body. However, current fabrication methods limit their ability to produce free-form shapes…

Rewriting the periodic table at high pressure

The periodic table has been a vital foundational tool for material research since it was first created 150 years ago. Now, Martin Rahm from Chalmers University of Technology presents a new article which adds an entirely new dimension to the…

A miniature stretchable pump for the next generation of soft robots

Soft robots have a distinct advantage over their rigid forebears: they can adapt to complex environments, handle fragile objects and interact safely with humans. Made from silicone, rubber or other stretchable polymers, they are ideal for use in rehabilitation exoskeletons…

Solving the big problem of measuring tiny nanoparticles

Tiny nanoparticles play a gargantuan role in modern life, even if most consumers are unaware of their presence. They provide essential ingredients in sunscreen lotions, prevent athlete’s foot fungus in socks, and fight microbes on bandages. They enhance the colors…

Virtual reality experiences may help treat severe pain

Therapeutic virtual reality can be used to reduce severe pain in hospitalized patients, according to a study published August 14, 2019 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Brennan Spiegel of Cedars-Sinai Health System, USA, and colleagues. Therapeutic virtual reality…