Rutgers is part of a new federally funded regional collaboration to drive economic and technological advancements in photonics, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced. The consortium, which includes researchers from Rutgers-Newark and Rutgers-New Brunswick, awarded a development grant from the NSF’s Regional Innovation Economic Engine consortium, led by Princeton University and co-led by Rowan University, with partners throughout New Jersey and neighboring states Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York.
Tag: Accelerators
Particle Physicists Lay Out Future Goals at ‘Snowmass’ Meeting
With a picturesque backdrop of Mt. Rainier, particle physicists from across the United States gathered in Seattle (with more tuning in virtually) to assess the most important science opportunities in their field over the next decade. The Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise was held July 17-26, 2022, at the University of Washington.
Meet Cliff Brutus: Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager, and Life-Long Learner
Jean Clifford (Cliff) Brutus, an engineer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, has a cool job–literally. He’s developing components to keep particle beams circulating in the Lab’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) cool.
A New Way to Measure Record-Setting Electron Beams
A new, compact system has been successfully demonstrated at the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA) Center to provide simultaneous high-resolution measurements of multiple electron-beam properties.
3 Awards Will Support Accelerator R&D for Medical Treatment, Miniaturization, and Machine Learning
U.S. Department of Energy awards announced in July will advance Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) R&D to develop a more effective and compact particle-beam system for cancer treatment, improve particle-beam performance using artificial intelligence, and develop a high-power, rapid-fire laser system for both tabletop and large-scale applications.
Brookhaven Lab Names Project Director for Electron-Ion Collider
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory has named Jim Yeck as Project Director for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), a one-of-a-kind nuclear physics research facility to be built at the Laboratory over the next decade in partnership with scientists from DOE’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab).
EIC R&D Yields Energy-saving Accelerator Innovations
An approach scientists explored for accelerating particles in an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) could form the foundation of an energy-saving design for a future high-energy electron-positron collider.
Milestone in Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project Will Bring in a New Ring
An upgrade of the Advanced Light Source, a synchrotron at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), has passed an important milestone that will help to maintain the ALS’ world-leading capabilities. On Dec. 23 the DOE granted approval for a key funding step that will allow the project to start construction on a new inner electron storage ring known as an accumulator ring.