Utilizando datos del telescopio SMARTS de 1,5 metros ubicado en Cerro Tololo, un programa de NOIRLab de NSF y Observatorio AURA, un equipo de astrónomos descubrió un sistema estelar que en el futuro formará una kilonova, es decir una explosión ultra poderosa, generadora de oro, que se produce por la fusión de estrellas de neutrón. Este tipo de sistemas estelares son tan inusuales que se cree que existen apenas cerca de 10 en toda la Vía Láctea.
Month: February 2023
The bubbling universe: A previously unknown phase transition in the early universe
Think of bringing a pot of water to the boil: As the temperature reaches the boiling point, bubbles form in the water, burst and evaporate as the water boils.
Hoelscher appointed to serve on national committee to advise the development of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines
Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, John P. McGovern Professor in Health Promotion and campus dean of UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Austin, has been appointed to the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. The Committee will be tasked with reviewing the current body of science on key nutrition topics and developing a scientific report that includes its independent assessment of the evidence and recommendations for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Food and Drug Administration as they develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (the Guidelines).
Better eyewitness lineup improves accuracy, detecting innocence
Iowa State researchers have developed and repeatedly tested a procedure that captures more information from eyewitnesses and improves the accuracy of lineups in police investigations.
MD Anderson and Federation Bio announce collaboration to develop novel microbiome treatment for patients with immunotherapy-resistant cancers
MD Anderson and Federation Bio announced a strategic collaboration to design and manufacture a synthetic microbial consortium with the goal of improving responses in immunotherapy-resistant cancers.
New Survey Finds Americans 40+ Lack Sight-Saving Knowledge of AMD
A new survey of Americans 40 and older reveals a concerning lack of knowledge about the leading cause of blindness and vision loss among older adults, age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Voice-activated system for hands-free, safer DNA handling
Smart voice assistants could make the laboratory safer for scientists and technicians who handle infectious samples. Researchers in ACS Sensors now report a small, voice-activated device that can extract and pretreat bacterial DNA, helping protect those on the front lines of disease outbreaks.
Using CRISPR to detect cancer biomarkers
Only a few forms of cancer can currently be diagnosed using blood samples. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sensors have developed an easy-to-use method that can detect small amounts of cancer-related molecules in exosomes in plasma and effectively distinguish between malignant and benign samples.
Decision Guide Clarifies Indicators for Swallowing Consults
ECU Health Medical Center in North Carolina developed a decision guide to provide healthcare teams with specific guidelines to determine which recently extubated patients required further swallowing assessment by an appropriate professional.
Museum Meanderings: Jacob Lawrence Paintings and Rehabilitation Medicine
Jacob Lawrence’s painting, Occupational Therapy No. 1 (1949), is more connected to physiatry than initially believed. The painting depicts five women performing various sewing activities. This painting has been discussed by critics, but it has not been appreciated that all the women appear actually to be the same person! Thus, the painting shows the cycle of rehabilitation.
How we navigate through crowds
Grid cells not only help us navigate our own paths in a complex environment, but also help us analyse the movements of other people, scientists from the University of Vienna have now shown for the first time. Their new study in Nature Communications also suggests an explanation for a mechanism that could lead to disorientation in dementia patients.
February 2023 Issue of Neurosurgical Focus: “Neurosurgical Management of Psychiatric Disease”
Announcement of contents of the February 2023 issue of Neurosurgical Focus
Survey: As early heart attacks increase, many young people may not consider their risks
February is American Heart Month and a new national survey commissioned by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that even though heart attacks are increasingly common in younger people, many don’t believe they are at risk for heart disease.
The survey – which was conducted online among more than 2,000 Americans age 18 and older – found 47% of those under age 45 don’t think they are at risk for heart disease.
The survey – which was conducted online among 2,082 Americans age 18 and older – found 53% of those age 18-34 and 38% of those age 35-44 don’t think they are at risk for heart disease.
Development of 100% Biodegradable Paper Straws that Do Not Become Soggy
The joint research team of Dr. Oh Dongyeop and Dr. Kwak Hojung of KRICT and Professor Park Jeyoung of Sogang University have developed eco-friendly paper straws that are 100% biodegradable, perform better than conventional paper straws, and can be easily mass-produced.