Whether you use heavy or light weights, lifting them as many times as you can builds strength and muscle. The details of how you go about it are less important than simply making a habit of it, researchers have determined.
Tag: Weight Training
Three Kidney Transplants, Weight Gain and a Journey Back to Wellness
Rowena Roque, 46, was having a problem that many people can relate to: doing everything in her power to lose weight and get healthy but never succeeding.
Vegans who lift weights may have stronger bones than other people on a plant-based diet
People on a plant-based diet who do strength training as opposed to other forms of exercise such as biking or swimming may have stronger bones than other people on a vegan diet, according to new research published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
New UK Study Offers Insight on How Resistance Training Burns Fat
Findings from a new University of Kentucky College of Medicine and College of Health Sciences study add to growing evidence that resistance exercise has unique benefits for fat loss.
The Department of Physiology and Center for Muscle Biology study published in the FASEB Journal found that resistance-like exercise regulates fat cell metabolism at a molecular level.
Brace yourself: Novel experiment isolates genes that cause some people to gain muscle while others don’t
Researchers studying the mystery of why some weightlifters’ muscles grow much more quickly than others’ have found new answers through a novel experiment in which subjects worked out one leg and immobilized the other.