Accelerator scientists at Jefferson Lab have used an enhanced topographic analysis toolkit they developed to show that it not only successfully predicts particle accelerator component performance, but also points toward even better surface treatments not yet tested on a large scale.
Tag: Superconducting
An atomic-scale window into superconductivity paves the way for new quantum materials
Superconductors are materials with no electrical resistance whatsoever, commonly requiring extremely low temperatures. They are used in a wide range of domains, from medical applications to a central role in quantum computers. Superconductivity is caused by specially linked pairs of electrons known as Cooper pairs. So far, the occurrence of Cooper pairs has been measured indirectly macroscopically in bulk, but a new technique developed by researchers at Aalto University and Oak Ridge National Laboratories in the US can detect their occurrence with atomic precision.
One scientist’s trash is another’s treasure:
While making materials samples to pursue their own research goals, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory discovered that an unwanted byproduct of their experiments was an extremely high-quality and difficult-to-obtain substance sought after by scientists researching layered materials.
Testing wraps up for first Fermilab-designed cryomodule for PIP-II accelerator
A Fermilab team has completed tests for a crucial superconducting segment for the PIP-II particle accelerator, the future heart of the Fermilab accelerator chain. The segment, called a cryomodule, will be one of many, but this is the first to be fully designed, assembled and tested at Fermilab. It represents a journey of technical challenges and opportunities for innovation in superconducting accelerator technology.
Research Fellow Turns to Accelerator Power for Wastewater Cleanup
In honor of Hermann Grunder, the founding director of Jefferson Lab, and his contributions to accelerator science, the lab recently established the Hermann Grunder Postdoctoral Fellowship in Accelerator Science. Now, the first Hermann Grunder fellow, John Vennekate, has started work. He said he hopes to follow in the footsteps of his fellowship’s namesake to continue blazing a new trail for practical applications of superconducting accelerators.
Accelerator Makes Cross-Country Trek to Enable Laser Upgrade
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has shipped the final new section of accelerator that it has built for an upgrade of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The section of accelerator, called a cryomodule, has begun a cross-country road trip to DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, where it will be installed in LCLS-II, the world’s brightest X-ray laser.
All together now: Experiments with twisted 2D materials catch electrons behaving collectively
A team led by the University of Washington reports that carefully constructed stacks of graphene — a 2D form of carbon — can exhibit highly correlated electron properties. The team also found evidence that this type of collective behavior likely relates to the emergence of exotic magnetic states.
Graphene expert comments on the creation of an extremely tiny magnetic field detector
“The research group from the University of Basel has recently created an ultracompact superconducting quantum interference device — aka SQUID, where the record miniaturization is achieved by using next-generation materials: bilayer graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures. SQUIDs usually consist of two…
Scientists use light to accelerate supercurrents, access forbidden light, quantum properties
Iowa State’s Jigang Wang continues to explore using light waves to accelerate supercurrents to access the unique and potentially useful properties of the quantum world.