Impulsive behaviour linked to sleep and screen time, CHEO study finds

August 14, 2019 — OTTAWA — A paper published today in Pediatrics suggests that children and youth who do not sleep enough and use screens more than recommended are more likely to act impulsively and make poorer decisions. The findings…

Attacking asthma in kids

According to the World Health Organization, asthma is the most prevalent chronic childhood disease worldwide. That’s why researchers are working on developing technology that could predict when a child will have an asthma attack and provide prevention and treatment suggestions,…

New proteomics technique gives insights into ubiquitin signalling

Australian researchers are among the first in the world to have access to a new approach to understand intricate changes that control how proteins function in our cells in health and disease. The new proteomics technique called ‘ubiquitin clipping’ allows…

‘Catcher of the rye’ method detects rye gluten proteins in foods

Gluten-free diets have been trendy for several years now, with adherents claiming that avoiding grains that contain the substance helps with weight loss or improves general health. However, for people with celiac disease, avoiding gluten is not a fad but…