Life Gets Easier with ReadMe Program that Digitizes Documents and Images Developed Right Here in Thailand

A team from Chula’s Faculty of Engineering have made use of AI Deep Tech to develop a program that scans documents and images into OCR documents. The program is more than 90% accurate when reading Thai scripts and Chula’s UTC is now ready for a spin-off to the market through Eikonnex AI Co. Ltd.

Vice Presidential Vogue: Kamala Harris and White House Fashion

As Kamala Harris stood beside newly sworn-in President Joe Biden last week, all eyes were on her as she made history as the nation’s first female vice president.  But, much like other prominent women who have walked the halls of the White House before her, cultural experts expect that there will be  just as much focus on her fashion statements as on her political ones — and the scrutiny may be intensified as the first woman and person of color in the VP position takes on stereotypes surrounding Eurocentric standards of beauty.