Promise and Potential Pitfalls of AI in Health Care Come to the Fore at One-U RAI Symposium

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) sometimes seems limitless. But with that potential comes serious new concerns, such as bias, misinformation, and privacy violations. How to develop and implement AI in a way that ethically addresses those concerns is the goal of the One-U Responsible AI Initiative (RAI).

From flat to overflowing: adding another dimension to tissue analysis

A team of NIBIB-funded researchers recently developed an AI platform that can analyze 3D pathology images to predict disease outcomes. Their method had improved performance in predicting prostate cancer outcomes when compared with traditional pathology approaches, such as analysis by expert pathologists using 2D images.

FFAR Funding Supports Research to Speed Development of Perennial Crops

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) is providing a Seeding Solutions grant to the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center to accelerate development of perennial crops.