Whether it’s medical records, blood or tissue, patients want to know if researchers may use something from them

Many members of the public want to know if their health information or samples from their bodies will be used in research or to help develop new biomedical products, a new study finds. That’s especially true if their data and biospecimens might get used by commercial companies, or if identifying information will be attached when it’s shared.

Journal of Medical Internet Research | Blood Pressure Monitoring, a Digital Tool for Diabetes

JMIR Publications recently published “Blood Pressure Monitoring as a Digital Health Tool for Improving Diabetes Clinical Outcomes: Retrospective Real-world Study” in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), which reported that there is a lack of understanding of the association between blood glucose (BG) and blood pressure (BP) levels when using digital health tools.


Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) announced a new national program to advance health, equity and well-being through data sharing partnerships between communities and states. DASH, led by the Illinois Public Health Institute and Michigan Public Health Institute, developed the Learning and Action in Policy and Partnerships in partnership with the Center for Health Care Strategies.