The conversation around autonomous cars often begs safety questions, much like it does around racecars.
Tag: Autonomous cars
Cooperative eco-driving automation improves energy efficiency and safety
Connected, automated vehicles promise to save energy and improve safety. Michigan Tech engineers propose a modeling framework for cooperative driving. Simulation results show that the cooperative automated eco-driving algorithm saves energy — 7% under light traffic and 23% under heavy traffic.
The Eye, The Brain & The Auto: Call for Research Abstracts from Healthcare and Automotive Experts
The Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology, the research arm of the Henry Ford Health System Department of Ophthalmology, is accepting abstracts for The Eye, The Brain & The Auto 9th World Research Congress on Health and Modern Mobility: Autonomous Vehicles, Driver’s Fitness to Function, and Naturalistic Driving Methods to be held Dec. 7-8, 2020. This will be a virtual event.
What If People Use Autonomous Vehicles To Do Bad Things?
There’s a fairly large flaw in the way that programmers are currently addressing ethical concerns related to artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Namely, existing approaches don’t account for the fact that people might try to use the AVs to do something bad.
In acoustic waves, engineers break reciprocity with ‘spacetime-varying metamaterials’
Working in an emerging field known to as “spacetime-varying metamaterials,” University at Buffalo engineers have demonstrated the ability to break reciprocity in acoustic waves. The NSF-sponsored research could have implications in communications, medicine and other fields.
MITRE Unveils Laboratory Focused on Autonomous Technology
In MITRE’s Mobile Autonomous Systems Experimentation (MASE) Laboratory, team are researching ways to accelerate advanced autonomous technology and provide objective perspective and recommendations for broad impact in multiple domains, including drones, commercial aircraft, tanks, and self-driving vehicles.
Smart intersections could cut autonomous car congestion
A new study by Cornell researchers developed a first-of-its-kind model to control traffic and intersections in order to increase autonomous car capacity on urban streets of the future, reduce congestion and minimize accidents.
The beautiful music of robotics and AI
How do you integrate ethics, policy, and practicality into the design of revolutionary robotics and artificial intelligence systems? Researchers Kagan Tumer and Tom Dietterich are collaborating to find out as they help lead the Oregon State Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems Institute.