Albeit it exists: Unexpected new material has been quenched to ambient pressure

Scientists from the National University of Science and Technology MISIS together with colleagues from Germany and Sweden achieved a result that seemed impossible. The researchers managed to create at ultra-high pressures a new material that preserves the structure and properties…

Anaerobically Stored Red Blood Cells May Improve Transfusion Outcomes in Hemorrhagic Shock

Transfusion of red blood cells (RBCs) stored anaerobically – in the absence of oxygen – is a promising technique to improve resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock, according to animal studies reported in SHOCK®: Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis: Laboratory and Clinical Approaches, Official Journal of the Shock Society. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.

Earth Scientist Karthik Balaguru can speak on the rapid intensification of hurricanes (how quickly they develop in size and strength) which is something we saw happen with Dorian. He works in the Marine Sciences Laboratory @PNNLab

PNNL Earth Scientist Karthik Balaguru can speak on the rapid intensification of hurricanes (how quickly they develop in size and strength) which is something we saw happen with Dorian. He works in our Marine Sciences Laboratory.  Relevant work:  Hurricanes Gained…

Obesity Pandemic Shifting Cancer to Younger People

A new study looking at incidence of disease data nationwide from 2000 to 2016 found a shift in obesity-associated cancers (OACs) to younger individuals. Typically, these cancers are diagnosed at higher rates among people older than 65. The most notable findings pertain to increases in these OACs among non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women and men for whom certain cancers increased by 200-400%.

Back to School in the Era of Gun Violence

Do bulletproof backpacks, lobbies, metal detectors, cameras, guards and other beefed up security measures in response to previous school shootings protect our students from school violence? We spoke with Matthew Mayer, associate professor with the Rutgers-New Brunswick Graduate School of Education, whose research focuses on school violence prevention and promoting safe and productive schools, to find out.