Premature Infant Heads to Home State after Spending More Than a Year in Unique NICU for Babies with Lung Disease

In a unique, hybrid model of care that includes both intensive care and a focus on neurodevelopment, the care team in the Comprehensive Center for bronchopulmonary dysplasia also addresses the medical, nutritional, developmental and social needs of patients diagnosed with severe BPD.

IFCC Distinguished Awards for the IFCC WorldLab Congress, Seoul (KR) 2020 Call for nominations

The IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) confers several Distinguished Awards to scientists and clinicians who work in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine or related disciplines. Currently, calls for nominations are open for ten (10) IFCC Distinguished Awards for presentation at the IFCC Congress in May 2020, Seoul, Korea.

Leading Health Organizations Introduce New Award to Advance Lung Cancer Research

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons—along with its charitable arm, The Thoracic Surgery Foundation (TSF)—and the American Lung Association have established a new grant, the Lung Cancer Research Award, designed to support investigators performing impactful lung cancer research.

Wellness Checklist Helps New Students Start College on Healthy Footing

Many of the 20 million new students starting college this fall will have to manage their health and well-being on their own for the first time. As families review materials related to classes, meals and housing, The Ohio State University Chief Wellness Officer and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have created a wellness checklist to help students develop a plan to maintain their well-being.

أظهرت دراسة أجرتها Mayo Clinic أنه بإمكان الذكاء الاصطناعي إجراء فحص دقيق وبتكلفة منخفضة للرجفان الأذيني

أظهرت دراسة بحثية جديدة أجرتهاMayo Clinic أن الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) يمكنه الكشف عن علامات عدم انتظام ضربات القلب – الرجفان الأذيني(AF) – في مخطط كهربية القلب، حتى لو كان نبض القلب طبيعيًا في وقت الاختبار. وبعبارة أخرى، يمكن أن يكتشف مخطط كهربية القلب المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي الرجفان الأذيني الذي يحدث بدون أعراض أو يُعد وشيك الحدوث، مما يحسن خيارات العلاج.

O estudo da Mayo Clinic mostra que a IA poderia permitir uma triagem precisa e barata para a fibrilação atrial

Um novo estudo de investigação da Mayo Clinic mostra que a inteligência artificial (IA) pode detectar os sinais de um ritmo cardíaco irregular — fibrilação atrial(FA) — em um eletrocardiograma, mesmo que o coração esteja em ritmo normal no momento do teste. Em outras palavras, o eletrocardiograma ativado por IA pode detectar fibrilação atrial recente que tenha ocorrido sem sintomas ou que seja iminente, potencialmente melhorando as opções de tratamento. Essa pesquisa poderia melhorar a eficiência do eletrocardiograma.

Mayo Clinic的研究表明AI可以进行准确的心房颤动筛查且费用低廉

Mayo Clinic的一项新试验研究表明,即使在测试时心脏处于正常节律状态,人工智能(AI)也可以在心电图(EKG)中检测到心律不齐的征象 — 心房颤动(AF)。换句话说,启用AI的EKG可以检测出最近发生的无症状心房颤动或即将发生的心房颤动,从而可能改善治疗方案。这项研究可以提高EKG的效率,EKG是一种无创且广泛使用的心脏疾病筛查方法。

Despite their large body size, gorillas are known to have a vegetarian diet

A long-term study of western gorillas in Gabon has revealed an unexpected behavior: they use their teeth to crack open and eat nuts. New research by Adam van Casteren, lecturer in biological anthropology in Arts & Sciences, may have important implications for the way researchers predict the diet of human ancestors based on the shape of their teeth.

Mercy Medical Center Announces Opening of The Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D., Institute for Gynecologic Care in Annapolis

As part of Mercy Medical Center’s ongoing efforts to bring the 144-year Sisters of Mercy tradition of quality health care to increasing numbers throughout the region, Mercy has announced the opening of The Neil B. Rosenshein, M.D., Institute for Gynecologic Care at Annapolis, located at 888 Bestgate Road, Suite 208, in Annapolis, MD.

Case Western Reserve School of Medicine Scientist Receives Major Grant for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Via New Skin Test

Wenquan Zou, MD, PhD, an expert in prion and degenerative neurological diseases, has received a two-year grant for developing diagnostic tools for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other related brain-based degenerative disorders via an innovative skin test that uses ultrasensitive technology. The new test is much less invasive than evaluating brain tissue, which is the only approach for making a definitive diagnosis today.

ERBA Mannheim presenta en AACC 2019, NEXUS, la nueva generación en automatización para laboratorios.

ERBA Mannheim presenta en AACC 2019, NEXUS, la nueva generación en automatización para laboratorios.
• Nueva gama de instrumentos de química clínica, inmunoensayo y hematología, accesibles, modulares, integrados, con sistemas de selección y transporte de muestras, ofreciendo automatización poderosa y accesible para laboratorios en crecimiento.
• El Sistema de Hematología combina métodos tradicionales con Inteligencia Artificial e imágenes de ultra alta definición para analizar miles de celulas sanguíneas por minuto y así mejorar los tiempos de trabajo de su laboratorio.
• El Sistema de Inmunoensayo utiliza technología de Quimioluminiscencia de gran sensibilidad con un tecnología única en perlas magnéticas y un menu de más de 100 parámetros.
• El Sistema de Química Clínica cuenta con un modulo ISE de ultima generación y ofrece un Sistema innovador de manejo de reactivos para asegurar un incremento en el flujo y una mejora en la calidad de los resultados analíticos.

Researchers calculate soil freezing depth from satellite data

A team of researchers from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of RAS, and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) has proposed a way to determine soil freezing depth based on satellite microwave radiometry. The findings were published in Studying the Earth From Space*, a Russian-language journal of RAS.

Seven ORNL researchers receive DOE early career funding awards

Seven Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers representing a range of scientific disciplines have received Department of Energy’s Office of Science Early Career Research Program awards. The Early Career Research Program, now in its tenth year, supports the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science.

Texas Biomed Announces New Faculty Member

Texas Biomedical Research Institute has recruited a new faculty member to San Antonio. Diako Ebrahimi, Ph.D., begins his new position today as Assistant Professor at Texas Biomed. He will establish his own research program in quantitative biology related to the fields of viral and cancer immunology and also collaborate on research projects with Texas Biomed Faculty. Dr. Ebrahimi’s recruitment is part of the Institute’s 10-year strategic plan to recruit nearly 20 new faculty members and double the size of the Institute.