Opinion: Why I celebrate National Wildlife Day

I have been blessed these last three decades to pursue a career as a wildlife scientist at a land-grant university, working daily at the nexus of my vocation and advocation. So, celebrating National Wildlife Day comes naturally. However, in our increasingly urban society, many people may not understand my affinity for wildlife or even why we would celebrate a national day for wildlife.

Selon une étude de Mayo Clinic, une manipulation génétique du taux de protéines des cellules cancéreuses du côlon peut améliorer l’efficacité de la chimiothérapie

Les résultats des traitements du cancer colorectal pourraient être améliorés en modifiant génétiquement une protéine immunorégulatrice située dans les cellules cancéreuses, en rendant les cellules plus vulnérables à la chimiothérapie. C’est que révèlent les recherches menées par Mayo Clinic.

Die genetische Manipulation des Proteinspiegels in Dickdarmkrebszellen kann die Wirksamkeit von Chemotherapie verbessern, so die Ergebnisse der Mayo Clinic-Studie

Die Ergebnisse beim Kolorektalkarzinom können sich durch eine genetische Veränderung eines immunregulatorischen Proteins in Krebszellen verbessern, durch welche die Zellen anfälliger für Chemotherapie werden. Das geht aus der neuen Studie der Mayo Clinic hervor.

Oxygen depletion in ancient oceans caused major mass extinction

Late in the prehistoric Silurian Period, around 420 million years ago, a devastating mass extinction event wiped 23 percent of all marine animals from the face of the planet.

For years, scientists struggled to connect a mechanism to this mass extinction, one of the 10 most dramatic ever recorded in Earth’s history. Now, researchers from Florida State University have confirmed that this event, referred to by scientists as the Lau/Kozlowskii extinction, was triggered by an all-too-familiar culprit: rapid and widespread depletion of oxygen in the global oceans.

New GCOOS-Funded Radar Installations at the Mouth of the Mississippi Will Help to Protect Lives and Support the Nation’s Blue Economy

The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) joined with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Ocean Service (NOS), Fugro and the University of Southern Mississippi to celebrate the installation of two new high-frequency radars situated at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

Illinois engineer continues to make waves in water desalination

For the past several years, University of Illinois researcher Kyle Smith has proven his growing expertise in the field of water desalination, with a range of research results that could address the immediate need to combat diminishing clean water sources…