How Identity Impacts Bystander Responses to Workplace Mistreatment

Abstract Integrating a social identity approach with Cortina’s (2008) theorizing about selective incivility as modern discrimination, we examine how identification—with an organization, with one’s gender, and as a feminist—shapes bystanders’ interpretations and responses to witnessed incivility (i.e., interpersonal acts of disrespect) and…

Internationally Trained Female Oncologists Face Many Discrimination Challenges in the U.S.

ASCO: A new study highlights workplace discrimination reported by internationally trained female oncologists. Dr. Coral Olazagasti will present study findings that showed female oncologists reported much higher levels of gender or race/ethnicity-based discrimination than their male counterparts.

Supreme Court just the beginning for LGBTQ workplace equality

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a decision in the case Bostock v. Clayton County, finding it illegal for employers to discriminate against LGBTQ workers. Katrina Nobles is the Director of Conflict Programs at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and…