Characterizing plutonium is important to environmental studies, nuclear plant and materials safety, and studies of nucleosynthesis and neutron star mergers. Scientists therefore need ways to detect ultra-trace amounts of plutonium. Researchers have now used special lasers to study the fingerprints of plutonium’s photoionization. The technique allowed researchers to identify ultra-trace amounts of plutonium atoms at record levels of efficiency.
Tag: Plutonium
Pure promethium: ORNL extracts in-demand isotope from plutonium leftovers
An ORNL team has devised a way to extract Pm-147 from the liquid runoff left after Pu-238 production. This reduces radioactive elements that must be disposed of but also, if sustainable, could establish a domestic supply of Pm-147, for which there is already demand.
Science Snapshots From Berkeley Lab
This edition of Science Snapshots highlights the discovery of an investigational cancer drug that targets tumors caused by mutations in the KRAS gene, the development of a new library of artificial proteins that could accelerate the design of new materials, and new insight into the natural toughening mechanism behind adult tooth enamel.
Six Berkeley Lab Scientists Named AAAS Fellows
Six scientists from the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).