Scientists alleviate environmental concerns about BCA usage on powdery mildews

St. Paul, MN (September 2019)–Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that infects many plants around the world, absorbing their nutrients and weakening or even killing them. In turn, powdery mildews are often attacked in the field by even smaller…

Unique mycology reference pairs genus descriptions with 1,000-plus original watercolors

According to mycologist, author, and artist Miguel Ulloa, “The best way to understand and remember scientific names is to understand their component parts or roots.” This philosophy is the inspiration for Illustrated Generic Names of Fungi : Etymology, Descriptions, Classifications,…

Impact of climate change on global banana yields revealed

Climate change could negatively impact banana cultivation in some of the world’s most important producing and exporting countries, a study has revealed. Bananas are recognised as the most important fruit crop – providing food, nutrition and income for millions in…

New DNA sequencer method achieves early-stage and broad-range detection of wheat diseases

Plant diseases, especially those caused by fungal pathogens, jeopardize global crop biosecurity and preventing them requires rapid detection and identification of causal agents. Traditional methods for crop disease diagnosis rely on the expertise of pathologists who can identify diseases by…

Foodborne pathogen sheltered by harmless bacteria that support biofilm formation

Pathogenic bacteria that stubbornly lurk in some apple-packing facilities may be sheltered and protected by harmless bacteria that are known for their ability to form biofilms, according to Penn State researchers, who suggest the discovery could lead to development of…

Ancient feces reveal how ‘marsh diet’ left Bronze Age Fen folk infected with parasites

New research published today in the journal Parasitology shows how the prehistoric inhabitants of a settlement in the freshwater marshes of eastern England were infected by intestinal worms caught from foraging for food in the lakes and waterways around their…

‘Catcher of the rye’ method detects rye gluten proteins in foods

Gluten-free diets have been trendy for several years now, with adherents claiming that avoiding grains that contain the substance helps with weight loss or improves general health. However, for people with celiac disease, avoiding gluten is not a fad but…