Chameleons inspire new multicolor 3D-printing technology

Inspired by the color-changing ability of chameleons, researchers developed a sustainable technique to 3D-print multiple, dynamic colors from a single ink. “By designing new chemistries and printing processes, we can modulate structural color on the fly to produce color gradients…

Applications Open for I-SMaT: the International Collaborative Program in Sustainable and Materials and Technology for Industries

ISMaT, or the “International Collaborative Program in Sustainable and Materials and Technology for Industries”, is a brand-new international Ph.D. program co-established in 2022 by the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Nagoya University, Japan.

Q&A: Making Earth-friendly electronics

April 21, 2022 The very components that make electronics fast and easy to use also make their disposal an environmental nightmare. Components of smartphones, computers and even kitchen appliances contain heavy metals and other compounds that are toxic to us…