Researchers from Osaka University unveil a radioactive monoclonal antibody that can both diagnose and treat a deadly type of pancreatic cancer
Tag: Radioactive
GW Experts Available: Japan releasing treated water from Fukushima nuclear plant
Japan started discharging treated radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. According to The Washington Post, the move comes amid fierce opposition from neighboring countries and after a two-year review by the International Atomic Energy Agency,…
Chula’s Department of Nuclear Engineering Offers In-depth Radiation Measurement and Explains the Dangers Associated with Caesium-137
Lecturers of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chulalongkorn University have found no contamination or spreading of Caesium-137 to the environment in the area of Prachin Buri Province as reported in the news. The Department aims to provide academic services and radiation measurements by a team of experts with in-depth measurement equipment.
“Radon”: a Lung Cancer Threat Next Door – Chula’s Engineering Professor Suggests Ways to Protect Ourselves
Radon is a radioactive element naturally found in rocks, soil, sand, and water, which humans generally use in construction. This dangerous gas is second only to smoking in contributing to lung cancer. A Chula engineering professor suggests ways to defend ourselves from this threat.
PNNL Researchers Track Radioiodine’s Chemical Evolution
PNNL researchers are examining the volatile radioisotope iodine as it evolves in the atmosphere and as it lands on a filtering surface. A more detailed understanding of the interactions and chemical evolution of radioiodine could help first responders’ decision-making after the release of volatile iodine into the environment, which happened following nuclear power plant accidents in 1986 at Chernobyl and in 2011 at Fukushima.
How Old are Whale Sharks? Nuclear Bomb Legacy Reveals Their Age
Nuclear bomb tests during the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s have helped scientists accurately estimate the age of whale sharks, the biggest fish in the seas, according to a Rutgers-led study. It’s the first time the age of this majestic species has been verified. One whale shark was an estimated 50 years old when it died, making it the oldest known of its kind. Another shark was an estimated 35 years old.
Radioactive tadpoles reveal contamination clues
Tadpoles can be used to measure the amount of radiocesium, a radioactive material, in aquatic environments, according to new research from University of Georgia scientists. Whether from nuclear accidents, global fallout from weapons testing, or production of nuclear energy, tadpoles…