Eileen McDonald, MS, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is available for interviews to discuss holiday safety through a public health lens. She can discuss issues such as Making sure gifts are safe choking risks, sharp edges,…
Tag: Fire Safety
Fire expert offers home fire aftermath reminders
The aftermath of a home fire can be devastating for families and communities. These fires leave homeowners, renters and others trying to salvage their possessions, precious items, photos and other items. A West Virginia University fire safety expert — Mark…
4 Ways the CSU Promotes Fire Safety
October 9th kicked off the National Fire Protection Association’s 100th annual Fire Prevention Week. This year’s campaign, “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape,” aims to raise awareness around how individuals can keep themselves safe in the event of a fire. In time for this long-running observance, we looked at ways the CSU is working to protect its students, faculty, staff and community in the midst of fires.
DHS S&T Successfully Evaluates Wildfire Sensors with California Emergency Responders
DHS S&T successfully tested four prototype technologies for early detection of wildfires in California this week.
PNNL Invention Reduces Risk of Battery Explosions
A simple sensor system developed at PNNL can prevent dangerous battery fires.
DHS Trains California Fire Services on Situational Awareness Application
DHS S&T recently conducted a virtual training on its Team Awareness Kit (TAK) that provides such features as video sharing, location tracking of fire equipment, fire perimeters from aircraft, and fire model forecasts.
Tunnel fire safety
Global risk management experts are calling for fire education initiatives to be included in driver safety programs so that drivers are better prepared for an emergency if faced with it on the roads.
Rutgers Expert Can Discuss Flame Experiments on International Space Station
New Brunswick, N.J. (Sept. 19, 2019) – Rutgers University–New Brunswick Engineering Professor Stephen D. Tse can comment on flame experiments this month on the International Space Station. The NASA project on symmetrical flames, called s-Flame, is aimed at studying combustion,…
S&T Explores Wildland Fire Innovation with Federal and Global Partners
In 2018, more than 58,000 wildfires raged in the U.S., burning more than 1.5 million acres. In 2019, from January 1 to May 10, there have already been more than 10,000. Last year’s Camp Fire in Northern California was the…