NIH launches intramural bioengineering center to foster technology collaboration across the agency

NIBIB has established the Center for Biomedical Engineering Technology Acceleration—BETA Center, a new intramural research program to solve a range of medicine’s most pressing problems. The BETA Center will serve the wider NIH intramural research program as a biotechnology resource and catalyst for NIH research discoveries.

CFN Staff Spotlight: Xiaohui Qu Bridges the Data Science-Materials Science Gap

As a staff member in the Theory and Computation Group at Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Qu applies various approaches in artificial intelligence to analyze experimental and computational nanoscience data.

.@Google recently announced that its quantum computer made a huge breakthrough. What exactly is quantum computing? What does it require? @JHUPhysicsAstro postdoc Yufan Li can explain.

Google recently announced that its quantum computer made a huge breakthrough and can perform a calculation that would normally take thousands of years in mere minutes. What exactly is quantum computing? What does it require? Johns Hopkins University’s Yufan Li,…