Political Candidates Who Fight Climate Change Stand to Benefit in Election

Nearly 52% of Floridians favor candidates who reduce climate impacts. About 68% believe the state should take more action on climate issues and and 67% feel the federal government should as well. Notably, 88% acknowledge climate change is occurring. About 75% of respondents advocate for a diversified energy mix to include more electricity produced by renewable sources. Nearly 73% of respondents worry about home energy expenses and nearly 58% are concerned about being able to afford and maintain homeowners’ insurance due to climate change.

Challenges ahead: navigating climate change and water management

Freshwater is vital for humans, ecosystems, and economies. However, climate and socio-economic changes are expected to substantially alter water availability. A pioneering study emphasizes considering future water withdrawals in low flow projections, highlighting the urgency of coordinated efforts to reduce excessive extraction in European rivers.

Seabirds face dire threats from climate change, human activity — especially in Northern Hemisphere

Many seabirds in the Northern Hemisphere are struggling to breed — and in the Southern Hemisphere, they may not be far behind. These are the conclusions of a study, published May 28 in Science, analyzing more than 50 years of breeding records for 67 seabird species worldwide.

George Washington University Experts Available for Interviews on Climate Change, Air Pollution and Sustainability

WASHINGTON (April 16, 2021) — For Earth Day 2021, President Joe Biden has invited 40 world leaders to take part in a virtual summit to focus on solutions for climate change and other environmental problems. The George Washington University has experts who…