Experts offer advice for supporting children’s mental health

Prioritizing mental health is not only important for adults, but for children as well. “Stress and anxiety are normal parts of life that we all experience in order to keep us safe,” said Samantha Kempker-Margherio, assistant professor of psychology in Virginia Tech’s College of Science.

Online parenting skills program shields children from adverse effects of divorce

A randomized controlled trial conducted by scientists in the Arizona State University Department of Psychology has shown that an online parenting program for divorcing or separating parents reduces interparental conflict, improves quality of parenting, and decreases children’s anxiety and depression symptoms. The reduction in interparental conflict quality was stronger the outcome of in-person versions of the same program that are based on decades of research. The findings, published in Family Court Review, were based on parent and child reports.

How conversations about race can help Black parents improve adolescents’ psychological outcomes

Black parents’ experiences of racial discrimination can negatively affect their children’s psychological outcomes—but talking about these experiences and improving racial socialization competency could help prevent these negative outcomes.
according to a new study by a University of Michigan researcher.

Long Wait Times Increase for Children Seeking Emergency Care for Mental Health

Rates of prolonged visits for pediatric mental health emergency department (ED) visits increased over a decade, in contrast to non-mental health visits for which visit times remained stable, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics. From 2005-2015, rates of ED visits lasting over six hours for children presenting for mental health issues jumped from 16 percent to nearly 25 percent, while rates of visits lasting over 12 hours increased from 5 percent to nearly 13 percent.

Managing Children’s Mental Health during the Pandemic

Mamilda Robinson, a specialty director and clinical instructor of psychiatric-mental health at Rutgers School of Nursing, and Daniela Moscarella, a pediatric clinical instructor at Rutgers School of Nursing and president-elect for the New Jersey Chapter of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, discuss signs that a child needs behavioral health assistance and how parents can seek clinical help.