A new study published today, analysing wastewater samples from several aged care facilities and retirement homes, has uncovered worrying signs of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a concerning trend in aged care facilities.
Tag: Aged Care
‘Substance abuse’ therapy could boost wellbeing for aged care workers
It’s a therapy that’s commonly used to help overcome addiction or substance abuse, but motivational interviewing could improve the health and wellbeing of frontline aged care workers, according to new research by the University of South Australia.
Pets create ‘pawsitive’ change for people in aged care
Researchers at the University of South Australia are calling for the Federal Government to mandate financial support for pets in aged care ¬¬¬to help improve the mental health and wellbeing of thousands of residents.
Tiny optical sensors could put an end to hospital bed sores
Millions of older hospital patients and nursing home residents suffer excruciating bed sores each year, some of which are fatal. Now, new research led by the University of South Australia could put an end to that with the development of tiny smart bed sensors embedded in hospital mattresses.
In-house pharmacists essential for aged care
New research from the University of South Australia shows that regular visits from pharmacists to aged-care residents can reduce problems due to medicines and improve health outcomes.
Aged care residents experience a different kind of reality
Cutting-edge technology is normally associated with youth, but a group of aged care residents in Adelaide are learning how useful (and how much fun) virtual reality can be.
The proof is in the pudding:
As Australia’s aged care sector continues to be scrutinised, researchers at the University of South Australia show that plain solutions are often the best, with a new study finding that aged care residents can improve their nutrition intake simply by increasing their meal sizes.
Dementia education
School-based dementia education could deliver much needed empathy and understanding for older generations as new research from the University of South Australia shows it can significantly improve dementia knowledge and awareness among younger generations.
When child care meets aged care, worlds align
While our oldest and youngest generations may seem worlds apart, a new ageing well initiative will bring them together in an innovative intergenerational education and development program that will connect children with older people in a structured way.