Novel risk score for cardiovascular complications after bone marrow transplant

While lifesaving, bone marrow transplants can affect various organs, including the cardiovascular system. Researchers led by Michigan Medicine have not only determined the contemporary prevalence of cardiovascular complications after bone marrow transplant — they developed a novel tool to predict a person’s risk for such problems following the procedure and help guide the pre-transplant process.The work formed the basis of a scientific statement published by the American Health Association geared towards the cardiovascular management of patients undergoing bone marrow transplant.

MD Anderson Research Highlights for August 30, 2023

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights showcases the latest breakthroughs in cancer care, research and prevention. These advances are made possible through seamless collaboration between MD Anderson’s world-leading clinicians and scientists, bringing discoveries from the lab to the clinic and back.
Recent developments include a novel computational tool to detect single base pair DNA changes in single-cell sequencing data, a potential target to treat hypertension caused by drugs commonly used in organ transplants, further insights into the steps involved in genetic recombination, a novel treatment target for a subset of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), a combination therapy that improves outcomes in certain patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and a target for treating prolonged cytopenia in patients with relapsed/refractory large B cell lymphoma treated with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy.

Study Finds Immune Cell That Predicts Risk of Organ Rejection In Transplant Patients

Researchers at The Ohio State University College of Medicine are the first to identify an immune cell that may predict a transplant patient’s risk of developing antibodies that can cause organ rejection. This discovery could lead to the development of therapies to prevent complications after transplant surgery.