Victor Menaldo, UW professor of political science, co-authored the forthcoming book, “U.S. Innovation Inequality and Trumpism.” The book focuses on how former President Donald Trump — like other populists that came before him — exploits ‘innovation inequality,” or the divide between areas that are more technologically advanced and those that aren’t.
Tag: Populism
People who hold populist beliefs are more likely to believe misinformation about COVID – new report
Over a fifth of Americans and Poles surveyed believed that COVID-19 vaccines can change people’s DNA.
And more than half of Serbian people believed that natural immunity from COVID was better than being vaccinated.
These figures come from a new report which examines the effects of populism on misinformation and other aspects of crisis communication around the coronavirus pandemic.
The impact of populism on multinational corporations’ investment
A stable economic and political environment is necessary for firms to feel secure while making long-term investment decisions, such as those related to investing in foreign countries (also known as foreign direct investment or FDI).
New international study concludes digital media can fuel polarisation and populism
A team of international researchers has carried out a comprehensive review of hundreds of studies globally, the biggest of its kind, exploring whether digital media erodes democracy and found that while social media is not exclusively bad, it can certainly fuel starkly conflicting views, populism, and political mistrust especially in established democracies.
Overcoming polarized politics
Instead of being complacent that the populist threat to U.S. democracy is over, the people and their politicians ought to learn from the mistakes of their neighbors in South America, where a failure to address structural inequalities has allowed populism to retain power.
Trends favor Le Pen victory, ‘somersaults’ in French politics
France will hold regional elections on June 20, a vote that could serve as an early indicator of what may come in the 2022 presidential election. Mabel Berezin, professor of sociology at Cornell University and an expert on international populism…