Researchers have mapped 47 different strains of the bacteria that cause the illness.
Tag: Lyme
Bat Tick Found for the First Time in New Jersey
A tick species associated with bats has been reported for the first time in New Jersey and could pose health risks to people, pets and livestock, according to a Rutgers-led study in the Journal of Medical Entomology. This species (Carios kelleyi) is a “soft” tick. Deer ticks, which carry Lyme disease, are an example of “hard” ticks.
Paper-based test could diagnose Lyme disease at early stages
Researchers reporting in ACS Nano have devised a blood test that quickly and sensitively diagnoses the disease at early stages.
Public Comment Period for IDSA/AAN/ACR Draft Lyme Disease Guidelines Open Through Aug. 10
The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) have opened a public comment period for the draft of their joint guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme disease.…