Non-invasive estimation of particle size distribution has been a long-term desire in pharmaceutical drying process, a critical step in the production of medication and chemical compounds. To address this challenge, MIT scientists invented a method to accelerate a current particle size probe by 60 times, achieving the fastest non-invasive size monitoring.
Tag: Imaging and sensing
The world’s fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames
Candle flames, cars, and airplanes emit harmful gases and particles, which are formed through highly complex processes involving extremely fast reactions and often transient flow conditions. To better understand these processes, scientists from the USA and Europe developed the fastest 2D planar imaging system.
Delivery of Luminescent Particles to Plants for Information Encoding and Storage
In the era of smart agriculture, the precise labeling and recording of growth information in plants pose challenges for modern agricultural production. This study introduces strontium aluminate particles based microneedles (MNs) patches as diverse luminescent labels for information encoding and storage during plant growth
Quantum dot-enabled infrared hyperspectral imaging with single-pixel detection
This study suggests single-pixel detection as a cost-effective alternative to expensive InGaAs focal plane arrays (FPAs) for near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging.
Very Long Wave Infrared Quantum Dot Photodetector up to 18 μm
Colloidal quantum dots (CQD) are of interest for optoelectronic devices because of the wide energy gap tunability from ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths.
Reconfigurable memlogic LWIR sensing with superconductors
Superconducting memlogic sensors merge in-cell logic and memory, advancing machine vision beyond traditional computing. These sensors utilize the quantum-sensitive and broad-spectrum capabilities of superconductors. We introduce a long-wave infrared sensor using superconductor-normal phase bistability, enabling deterministic, persistent switching.
Mid-infrared computational temporal ghost imaging
Mid-infrared (MIR) temporal ghost imaging allows for reconstructing fast temporal objects using a commercially available MIR slow photodetector. To toward this goal, Scientists in China conceived a frequency downconversion temporal ghost imaging scheme that enables us to realize computational temporal ghost imaging in the mid-infrared.