Risk of vine-to-vine spread of Xylella fastidiosa is greatest in July and August

The bacterial plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa is a worldwide threat to perennial tree and vine crops and has been linked to Pierce’s disease of grapevine in California, olive quick decline in Italy, and citrus variegated chlorosis in South America. Scientists…

After 100 years, Cornell University plant pathologists revisit fire blight hypothesis

Historically credited as being the first bacterium ever characterized as a plant pathogen, fire blight is a bacterial disease that leads to significant losses of pear and apple. The role of insects in the spread of this disease has been…

Death from below: the first video of a parasitic wasp attacking caterpillar underwater

A very few species of parasitoid wasps can be considered aquatic. Less than 0.1% of the species we know today have been found to enter the water, while searching for potential hosts or living as endoparasitoids inside of aquatic hosts…

Vampire bats social distance when they get sick

A new paper in Behavioral Ecology , published by Oxford University Press, finds that wild vampire bats that are sick spend less time near others from their community, which slows how quickly a disease will spread. The research team had…