At a traffic light, red means stop and green means go. But transportation engineers are now proposing a “white light,” which would enable autonomous vehicles to help control traffic flow – and let human drivers know what’s going on.
Tag: driverless cars
Transport in 2050: Safer, cleaner and cost efficient?
A Cornell University-led team has calculated that by the year 2050, vehicle electrification, driverless cars and ride sharing could slash U.S. petroleum consumption by 50% and carbon dioxide emissions by 75% while simultaneously preventing 5,500 premature deaths and saving $58 billion annually.
What If People Use Autonomous Vehicles To Do Bad Things?
There’s a fairly large flaw in the way that programmers are currently addressing ethical concerns related to artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Namely, existing approaches don’t account for the fact that people might try to use the AVs to do something bad.
Driverless cars could lead to more traffic congestion
New research has predicted that driverless cars could worsen traffic congestion in the coming decades, partly because of drivers’ attitudes to the emerging technology and a lack of willingness to share their rides.