Several common injuries seem to haunt women’s sports. Jenny Robinson, a University of Washington assistant professor, is interested in designing better methods to help female athletes train to prevent and recover from injuries.
Tag: Tendon
Routinely Wearing High Heels Reduces Energy Cost of Walking, Even Out of Heels
Article title: Habitually wearing high heels may improve user walking economy in any footwear Authors: Owen N. Beck, Jordyn N. Schroeder, Gregory S. Sawicki From the authors: “Habitually wearing high-heeled footwear structurally remodels leg muscle tendons and improves user walking…
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: Lesiones del manguito rotador y cirugía
Tengo 48 años, juego tenis desde hace años y nado con regularidad. Últimamente, siento dolor en el hombro izquierdo cada vez que salgo a la cancha o cuando intento levantar algún objeto en casa. ¿Cómo puedo saber si me desgarré el manguito rotador? ¿Qué alternativas de tratamiento hay y puedo volver a jugar?
Intense Training Disturbs Tendon Homeostasis, Leads to Injury
Michael Kjaer, MD, PhD, of Copenhagen University and Bispebjerg Hospital in Denmark, will discuss the effects of exercise and sedentary behavior on tendon loading and collagen turnover. “The collagen turnover in tendon can be up- and down-regulated with exercise or inactivity, respectively, and specific parts of the tendon are responsible for this loading-induced collagen dynamics. Long-term overuse of tendon (e.g., intense training) results in disturbed homeostasis and swelling of the tendon, excess angiogenesis and upregulated formation of collagen,” Kjaer wrote.
Circadian Clock Regulates Body’s Collagen Production
Researchers featured in the “Homeostasis and adaptation of tendons to exercise” symposium—presented this week virtually at the American Physiological Society (APS) Integrative Physiology of Exercise conference—will discuss how exercise, inactivity and the body’s internal clock drive structural changes to tendons and their supportive tissues.