Increasing hurricane intensity around Bermuda linked to rising ocean temperatures

New research shows that hurricane maximum wind speeds in the subtropical Atlantic around Bermuda have more than doubled on average over the last 60 years due to rising ocean temperatures in the region. Hurricanes intensify by extracting energy from the…

A large number of gray whales are starving and dying in the eastern North Pacific

It is now the third year that gray whales have been found in very poor condition or dead in large numbers along the west coast of Mexico, USA and Canada. A new international study now suggests that starvation is contributing to these mortalities.

Pollutants rapidly changing the waters near Ieodo Island

There has been frequent occurrence of red tide in coastal waters around Korea where the sea turns red. Red tide is a phenomenon in which phytoplankton proliferate as nutrient or sewage flow into seawater, making it appear red. This not…

Researchers discover a new tool for reconstructing ancient sea ice to study climate change

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Sea ice is a critical indicator of changes in the Earth’s climate. A new discovery by Brown University researchers could provide scientists a new way to reconstruct sea ice abundance and distribution information from the…

Semper floats! Marines use sensor buoys to better understand ocean battlespace

ARLINGTON, Va.–Flying several thousand feet above the Pacific Ocean, an air crew and a scientist from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution tossed cylindrical floats from a U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey aircraft. Packed with data-gathering sensors to measure underwater conditions, the…

Investigating the carbon intensity of ferries

Climate change mitigation requires curbing emissions from all sectors, including shipping. The European Union has set ambitious targets to achieve this goal. The European regulation number 757 on Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of CO2 emissions (EU- MRV ) contributes to…