Lifesaving Suicide Prevention Resources Available for More Native American Communities

Today the Bloomberg American Health Initiative announces new resources that build on the successful Celebrating Life Suicide Prevention Program of the White Mountain Apache Tribe in Arizona. The program, established 20 years ago, addresses alarming rates of suicide in the community with community-based surveillance and case management support.

American Indian/Native American women have lower mammography use even if they have higher income

A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute study found that for American Indian/Native American women, living in above-average-income communities was not associated with higher mammography use compared to American Indian/Native American women living in below-average-income communities.

First Virtual National Conference on Undergraduate Research Features COVID-19 Presentations

On April 12–14, 2021, students from institutions around the world will participate in the Nat Conference on Undergraduate Research, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research. Faculty mentors and more than 3400 undergraduate researchers will come together online to share their research.