Iowa State’s new major in biomedical engineering quickly attracted 50 students, who are now learning the basics of the medical and engineering worlds. The new program is designed, in part, to meet the interests of students and employers while increasing the synergy between Iowa State’s research strengths and academic programs.
Tag: Engineering Education
Alliance works to keep America prepared for nuclear incidents
The IIRM-URA was formed to tackle some challenging science with a worthy goal: improve survivability and response in the case of a nuclear attack. The IIRM-URA consists of 15 universities, four national laboratories, and two industrial companies.
The World of Robots
Follow the career journeys of CSU alumni working in the robotics field.
Robot helps students with learning disabilities stay focused
Engineering researchers at the University of Waterloo are successfully using a robot to help keep children with learning disabilities focused on their work.
Get to Know Kyongbum Lee, New Dean of the Tufts School of Engineering
Kyongbum Lee, the new Dean of Tufts School of Engineering, talks about training engineers for societal impact
Engineering students still learning from collapse of World Trade Center
We study the lessons we learned in terms of the design of structures. The forensic analyses from the World Trade Center are a window to the importance of evaluating all potential modes of failure.
NIAR receives $13.7 million from Air Force for advanced composites research
The National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) has received another $13.7 million contract from the United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to extend the Modeling for Affordable, Sustainable Composites (MASC) research program.
Using LEGO to test children’s ability to visualize and rotate 3D shapes in space
Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a test that uses children’s ability to assemble LEGO pieces to assess their spatial visualization ability. Spatial visualization is the ability to visualize 3D shapes in one’s mind, which is tied to increased GPAs and graduation rates in STEM college students.
New CUR Board Members Elected
John F. Barthell (NSF), Donna Charlevoix (UNAVCO), Niharika Nath (NYIT), Karen K. Resendes (Westminster College), and Binod Tiwari (CSU-Fullerton) have been elected to the Executive Board of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR).
‘We will get through this together’
To prepare for the remote delivery of her Design for Manufacturing course, Bryony DuPont instituted several changes to give her students the best chance to succeed, including paring down course material to its most essential elements, encouraging students to track their own progress, and changing the final project from a DIY build to a reverse engineering analysis of an existing product.