Energy companies pressure landowners into fracking, study shows

Energy companies use persistent and personalized pressure to get landowners to give permission for hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and even when landowners decline, companies use legalized compulsion to conduct fracking anyway, according to a new study led by researchers at UNLV and Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Expert available to discuss potential impact on supply chains, especially fuel supply, from storms Marco and Laura

With tropical storms Marco and Laura bearing down on the Gulf Coast, the potential for disruptions to the nation’s fuel and shipping infrastructure is significant, according to data scientist Ben Ruddell, director of the FEWSION project at Northern Arizona University…

Simulating Borehole Ballooning Helps Ensure Safe Drilling of Deep-Water Oil, Gas

A device which simulates borehole ballooning, a detrimental side effect of deep-water drilling operations, is expected to ensure safe and efficient operations. If not prevented, borehole ballooning can lead to irreversible damage and serious drilling accidents, which can result in reservoir pollution and huge economic loss. In Review of Scientific Instruments, researchers present a device that can simulate this dangerous phenomenon in the hopes of preventing it.