Anaphylaxis can come on suddenly and without warning, and because its symptoms can be fatal, it is scary for those who encounter it.
Tag: Anaphylaxis
Las innovaciones en los proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias abordan las barreras en la atención de las alergias y el asma
A partir de 2021, The Allergists’ Foundation, el brazo filantrópico del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología, comenzó a financiar proyectos innovadores que abordan los desafíos que enfrentan las comunidades atendidas por alergólogos en ejercicio.
El tratamiento de la anafilaxia sigue siendo confuso para los pacientes, los cuidadores y el personal de emergencias
La anafilaxia puede aparecer de repente y sin previo aviso, y debido a que sus síntomas pueden ser fatales, resulta aterradora para quienes la padecen.
Innovations in Community Grant Projects Address Barriers to Allergy and Asthma Care
Beginning in 2021, The Allergists’ Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, began funding innovative projects that address challenges faced by communities served by practicing allergists.
First Drug to Help Reduce Allergic Reactions to Multiple Food Allergies, Tested at Children’s and Emory, Now FDA Approved
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University participated in a nationwide clinical trial showing that a 16-week course of omalizumab, an injectable drug, increased the amount of peanut, tree nuts, egg, milk and wheat that some multi-food allergic children as young as one year could consume without an allergic reaction after exposure.
RUDN doctors named the most allergen-inducing drugs
RUDN University doctors collected statistics on cases of extreme drug allergies – anaphylaxis. The authors presented the results in different age groups and named the most dangerous drugs for an allergic reaction.
Case Study: Overcoming Barriers to Venom Immunotherapy for Fire Ant Allergy Patients
Dr. John Carlson, pediatric allergy and immunology specialist at Ochsner Health, shares a case study recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.
Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina
Un nuevo estudio que se presenta en la Reunión científica anual del ACAAI muestra que solo la mitad de los pacientes adultos alérgicos a los alimentos tienen acceso inmediato a la epinefrina y que el 36 % de los adultos creen que los autoinyectores de epinefrina pueden causar efectos negativos o potencialmente mortales.
Only 52% of Adults with Severe Food Allergy Have Been Prescribed an Epinephrine Auto Injector
A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting shows that only half of food allergic adult patients have immediate access to epinephrine, and 36% of adults believe epinephrine auto injectors can cause negative or life-threatening effects.
Las posibles reacciones alérgicas a la vacuna contra la COVID-19 no deben significar no ponerse la vacuna
Dos nuevos estudios que se presentan en la Reunión científica anual del ACAAI de este año muestran que la mayoría de las personas que piensan que tendrán una reacción alérgica, o que creen que han tenido una respuesta alérgica a la primera vacuna, pueden recibir todas las dosis de la vacuna de forma segura.
Possible Allergic Reaction to COVID-19 Vaccine Shouldn’t Mean Skipping the Vaccine
Two new studies being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting show most people who think they will have an allergic reaction, or who believe they have had an allergic response to the first vaccine, can safely be fully vaccinated.
As more people receive the COVID-19 vaccines, more people have questions about allergic reactions. Those questions are answered in this FAQ.
ACAAI Provides Further Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Updated guidance includes questions for those being vaccinated regarding previous allergic reactions.
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Updates Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
ACAAI COVID-19 Task Force updates guidance for physicians and other providers related to risk of an allergic reaction from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
As Fall Arrives, So Do Fire Ants in Southeastern Parts of the US
Parents should be just as aware of fire ants in the fall as the spring because it’s dangerous for a child to step in a fire ant mound this time of the year and be stung
Allergists Encourage Parents of Food Allergic Kids to Recognize Their Own Anxiety
Allergists advise parents of children with food allergies to to offer fact-based strategies in order to not increase their child’s concerns.