First Drug to Help Reduce Allergic Reactions to Multiple Food Allergies, Tested at Children’s and Emory, Now FDA Approved

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University participated in a nationwide clinical trial showing that a 16-week course of omalizumab, an injectable drug, increased the amount of peanut, tree nuts, egg, milk and wheat that some multi-food allergic children as young as one year could consume without an allergic reaction after exposure.

Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina

Un nuevo estudio que se presenta en la Reunión científica anual del ACAAI muestra que solo la mitad de los pacientes adultos alérgicos a los alimentos tienen acceso inmediato a la epinefrina y que el 36 % de los adultos creen que los autoinyectores de epinefrina pueden causar efectos negativos o potencialmente mortales.